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From $344.00 /person
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Important Notice


4.拉斯维加斯会展或节假日入住拉斯维加斯酒店需加收$100/每房/每晚的日期: 2/16/19,5/18/19,11/7/19, 12/30/19
5.拉斯维加斯会展或节假日入住拉斯维加斯酒店需加收$50/每房/每晚的日期: 5/25/19, 7/20/19, 7/27/19, 8/31/19, 9/13/19, 9/14/19, 11/8/19
6.拉斯维加斯会展或节假日入住拉斯维加斯酒店需加收$140/每房/每晚的日期: 1/8/19, 1/9/19
8.如任何报名客人参团时no show,罚款金额100美金每人,导游将在团上像此单参团客人收取。


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  • Day01
  • 洛杉矶国际机场接机(Los Angeles International Airport Pick Up) Hotel:La Quinta Pomona 或 同等条件住宿

Day 1: 洛杉矶国际机场接机(Los Angeles International Airport Pick Up)


Tour Overview:







17: 30 — La Quinta Inn & Suites Pomona(3200 W Temple Ave, Pomona, CA 91768)

17: 45 — Best Western Plus Executive Inn Rowland Heights(18880 Gale Ave, Rowland Heights, CA 91748)

18: 15 — Quality Inn Rosemead(9488 Valley Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770)

18: 30 — Holiday Inn El Monte(9920 Valley Blvd, El Monte, CA 9173


集合后前往海鲜餐厅用餐,晚餐后来到洛杉矶市中心金融区,这里是洛杉矶的华尔街,坐落了各大银行及金融机构总部办公楼。可登顶天空观景台(自费) OUE SKYSPACE 包揽洛杉矶全城夜景,晚上灯火通明的天际线别有特色,与网红景点天使翅膀合影,体验刺激的全透明悬空玻璃滑梯,与新的科技投影互动,与热门背景墙合影留念。随后来到热闹的 L.A. LIVE,外观斯坦普斯中心,这座 NBA 湖人及快船队主场,并且承办格莱美,冰球,滑冰竞标赛等各大赛事的场馆,已经成为洛杉矶名副其实的地标。约21:30返程,途径迪士尼音乐厅及洛杉矶高等法院,结束精彩难忘的夜游。


La Quinta Pomona 或 同等条件住宿


  • Day02
  • 洛杉矶(Los Angeles) - 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) Hotel:Circus Circus Hotel(拉斯维加斯大道三星级马戏团娱乐场酒店),或者同等级酒店

Day 2: 洛杉矶(Los Angeles) - 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)


Las Vegas

Las Vegas' nickname is "Sin City" and you'll find out why when you visit; the Strip is full of casinos, night clubs, indulgent pools and replicas of some of the world's most popular tourist attractions. Looking for Things to Do & Activities in Las Vegas? The city is located in the heart of the Mojave Desert. During the day you can bask by the pool, take a helicopter tour, enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet or view magnificent shows in Las Vegas such as Cirque du Soleil, David Copperfield, or the classic Jersey Boys show! Dine at many five-star restaurants with world-renowned chefs and then check out the nightlife at Mirage or any of the hotels on the Strip. Don't forget to watch the spectacular water show at the Bellagio or visit the aquarium at Mandalay Bay. Throughout your stay, remember "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," so no worries! 

Tour Overview:




Circus Circus Hotel(拉斯维加斯大道三星级马戏团娱乐场酒店),或者同等级酒店



Optional Tours/Activities:

Las Vegas Night Tour + Sky Wheel (Optional)Adult: $75
Kid: $60
Child 4-12
Las Vegas Night Tour (Optional)Adult: $35
Kid: $35
According to the weather
  • Day03
  • 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) - 胡佛大坝(Hoover Dam) - 南峡谷(Grand Canyon South)/西峡谷(Grand Canyon West)/羚羊彩穴(Antelope Canyon) - 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) Hotel:Circus Circus Hotel(拉斯维加斯大道三星级马戏团娱乐场酒店),或者同等级酒店

Day 3: 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) - 胡佛大坝(Hoover Dam) - 南峡谷(Grand Canyon South)/西峡谷(Grand Canyon West)/羚羊彩穴(Antelope Canyon) - 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)


Hoover Dam

This concrete marvel spanning the Colorado River in Black Canyon was built between 1931-36 and originally called the Boulder Dam until it was renamed in 1947 after United States President Herbert Hoover, who played an important role in getting it constructed. Hoover Dam extending from the states of Arizona and Nevada is one of the largest man-made structures in the world at 1,244 feet long and 726 feet high. It produces hydroelectric power, supplies irrigation water and prevents flooding. The U.S. National Historic Landmark that created Lake Mead is visited by more than seven million people annually. Hoover Dam designed by engineer John Savage and architect Gordan Kaufmann. Located nearby Lake Mead and the Grand Canyon, plenty of Hoover Dam tours will include a visit to all three of these amazing attractions.

Grand Canyon Skywalk

The spectacular U-shaped glass walkway jutting out 70 feet from a canyon wall located thousands of feet above the Colorado River in Grand Canyon West is one of the most popular tourist attractions at the stunning Grand Canyon. Skywalk was designed by Grand Canyon Skywalk Development and opened in 2007 by the Hualapai Nation Native American tribes that owns and runs the western portion of the Grand Canyon. Skywalk is visited by approximately 300,000 people per year and its construction was the subject of a National Geographic documentary.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas' nickname is "Sin City" and you'll find out why when you visit; the Strip is full of casinos, night clubs, indulgent pools and replicas of some of the world's most popular tourist attractions. Looking for Things to Do & Activities in Las Vegas? The city is located in the heart of the Mojave Desert. During the day you can bask by the pool, take a helicopter tour, enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet or view magnificent shows in Las Vegas such as Cirque du Soleil, David Copperfield, or the classic Jersey Boys show! Dine at many five-star restaurants with world-renowned chefs and then check out the nightlife at Mirage or any of the hotels on the Strip. Don't forget to watch the spectacular water show at the Bellagio or visit the aquarium at Mandalay Bay. Throughout your stay, remember "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," so no worries! 

Tour Overview:

上午驱车前往美洲最高的胡佛水坝,参观其水坝工程及发电厂并眺望北美最大的人工湖-密德湖, 及后前往世界七大奇景之一的大峡谷,客人可选择以下西峡谷或南峡谷行程:


大峡谷西缘属于印第安保护区(门票自费),团员需在访客中心换乘西峡谷专车进入峡谷 区,到达总站(Terminal)后,你可以自费乘坐直昇机及观光船观赏大峡谷的美景,近距离的感受峡谷的壮丽以及科罗拉多河的秀美。之后再乘坐园内班车 去到老鹰崖(Eagle Point)和蝙蝠崖(Guano Point),在老鹰崖你可以自费参观位于峡谷边缘的全世界最高的空中步道-“玻璃桥”(Skywalk),它悬空于海拔4000尺之上,耗资六千万美 元,能同时承受71架波音747客机(约七千一百万磅) 的重量。在这块用玻璃制成的平台上,你可以欣赏到720°度的大峡谷美景,由不同的角度欣赏阳光与峡谷岩壁折射而形成的奇景,峡谷的壮观让您不得不讚叹大 自然的神奇和伟大。傍晚时分回到拉斯维加斯。晚上可自费观看拉斯维加斯的表演秀。


大峡谷纵横千里,深不可测,这里是世界上最为生动的侵蚀范本,是地质学家和古生物学 家的教科书。每年都有数百万的游客来此欣赏这大自然的杰作。随后来到靠近访客中心的 大峡谷的最大观景点-Mather Point, 站在峡谷的边缘,凝视那无垠的宽广,会给人一种平静与空旷的感觉,面对这造物主的鬼斧神工游客们无不感慨万千、流连忘返。如果说上帝是大峡谷的缔造者,科 罗拉多河则是雕刻大峡谷的艺术家,夏季雷雨过后,科罗拉多河水的颜色与峡谷一般无二,只能从湍流激起的水花中辨识;瑞雪初降,碧绿色的河水收敛起急躁,慢 吞吞地蜿蜒于峡谷之间。尽管夏日热情、冬季冷淡,可是河流与峡谷耳鬓厮磨的恋情已经持续六百万年之久了。阳光与白云不时在峡谷上空你争我夺,也为峡谷平添 了无尽的风采。傍晚时分回到拉斯维加斯。晚上可自费观看拉斯维加斯的表演秀。


 (参加此自费行程需满6人以上出发) 早上驱车前往羚羊彩穴*,途径大峡谷起源点---包伟湖。包伟湖的海岸线长1960英里,有96个峡谷,犹如将大峡谷搬到湖面上一般。而后进入全世界最奇特的狭缝洞穴,世界十大摄影地点之一的羚羊彩穴*(温馨提示:游览时间约1小时),我们跟随纳瓦霍印第安向导进入彩穴。彩穴岩壁融合了千百年来风和洪流的侵蚀,呈完美的波浪形,是大自然的抽像画。一直以来彩穴都是纳瓦霍印第安人静坐沉思的净地,他们相信这里可以聆听神的声音。随后前往马蹄湾*(温馨提示:游览时间约40分钟),国家地理杂志评选出的美国十大最佳摄影地点之一!科罗拉多河床上密布的水草使得河水在阳光下呈现出荧光般的幽绿,河流于此在红褐色的峡谷内急转360度,切割出一个马蹄状的峡谷,马蹄湾正是由此而得名。站在峭壁边,沉醉于碧水蓝天红岩钩织出的动人心魄的美。陡峭的悬崖上方高达海拔4,200英呎是最佳观景位置。




* 行程途中会经过胡佛大坝安检,所以游览巴士不允许旅客携带任何行李箱。您可将行李寄存在酒店前台,感谢您的理解和配合。


Circus Circus Hotel(拉斯维加斯大道三星级马戏团娱乐场酒店),或者同等级酒店



Optional Tours/Activities:

West Grand Canyon Air Only Tour (Optional)Adult: $175
Kid: $175
3 yrs+
South Grand Canyon Helicopter (Optional)Adult: $249
Kid: $249
3 yrs +
  • Day04
  • 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) - 巧克力工厂(Chocolate Factory) - 唐格奥特莱斯购物中心(Tanger Outlets) - 洛杉矶(Los Angeles) Hotel:La Quinta Inn & Suites Pomona或同级

Day 4: 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) - 巧克力工厂(Chocolate Factory) - 唐格奥特莱斯购物中心(Tanger Outlets) - 洛杉矶(Los Angeles)


Saguaro National Park

The largest cacti in the United States are located in this 91,442-acre national park surrounding the Arizona city of Tucson. Saguaro National Park was created in 1994 and was designated a national monument in 1933. It is named for its main feature of the enormous tree-sized Saguaro cactus that only grows in the Sonoran Desert and can live as long as 250 years. The cactus' white bloom is the Arizona state flower. Many other types of cacti like Engelman's prickly pear, Pinkflower hedgehog, Fishhook barrel, and Staghorn cholla also grow throughout Saguaro National Park.

Tour Overview:





La Quinta Inn & Suites Pomona或同级


  • Day05
  • 洛杉矶(Los Angeles) - 17哩(17 Miles) - 旧金山湾区(San Francisco) Hotel:Crowne Plaza Union City 或同级

Day 5: 洛杉矶(Los Angeles) - 17哩(17 Miles) - 旧金山湾区(San Francisco)



The Central California coastal city and its surrounding area have attracted and inspired artists for decades including the likes of authors John Steinbeck and Robert Louis Stevenson, musician Frank Zappa, writer Josh Billings and painters Thomas Kinkade and Percy Gray. Monterey was founded in 1770 by Father Junipero Serra and explorer Gaspar de Portolà. It was the capital of the Alto California territory from 1767-70 and was home to California's first public library, theater, newspaper and public school. Popular city attractions are Cannery Row, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey's Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey County Youth Museum, Colton Hall Museum, Path of History and Monterey State Historic Park.

17 Mile Drive

This scenic drive along California's Pacific Coastline features the world famous Pebble Beach golf course, beautiful residences and marvelous nature landmarks. Look for the Lone Cypress Tree, Bird Rock, Witch Tree and the Del Monte Forest. The famous route that originated in the 1880s with the construction of the Hotel Del Monte begins at Pacific Grove and ends at Carmel-by-the-Sea on the Monterey Peninsula.

San Francisco

The unique California city is famous for its iconic Golden Gate Bridge, fog and cable cars. San Francisco was founded in 1776 by Spanish settlers and named for St. Francis of Assisi and the city grew dramatically during the California Gold Rush of 1849. Popular sites are the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf, Coit Tower, the crooked Lombard Street, Transamerica Pyramid, San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park and Chinatown. Now, plan your San Francisco travel for your next vacation. Find a Alcatraz Tour, Things to do in Fisherman's Wharf or take a Golden Gate Bridge Cruise to see the beauty of San Francisco.

Tour Overview:

早上从洛杉矶出发,途径富饶的中加州大平原,这里盛产美国一半以上的水果、蔬菜、干果,也使得加州成为美国最大农业州。下午抵达如诗如画的蒙特利半岛。轻柔的海风、蜿蜓的海岸、澎湃的浪花、嶙峋的礁石、还有可爱的海狗海狮徜徉其间;亿万富豪的别墅美伦美奂(闻名中外的国画大师张大千曾于此居住十年),世界顶级的高尔夫球场绵延不止(停留拍照,举办过5次大满贯)… 深吸一口大海的味道,十七哩的海景令人心旷神怡。世界闻名的加州1号公路(途经)、17哩的绝美海景…深吸一口大海的味道,沉醉于海风海浪与蒙特利半岛的诗情画意中,也可以参观新建成的17哩湾访客中心及博物馆。于傍晚时分抵达旧金山湾区。


Crowne Plaza Union City 或同级


  • Day06
  • 伯克利大学(Berkeley University)- 旧金山市区游(San francisco City tour) Hotel:Quality Inn Marina/Clarion Inn Modesto或同等级酒店

Day 6: 伯克利大学(Berkeley University)- 旧金山市区游(San francisco City tour)


Golden Gate Bridge

The world-famous remarkable Art Deco reddish-orange suspension bridge that crosses the Golden Gate Strait is a symbol of San Francisco and one of the most photographed bridges in the world. The Golden Gate Bridge opened in 1937 after almost four years of construction and its main engineer Joseph Strauss wrote a poem entitled "A Mighty Task is Done" about its completion. The Golden Gate Bridge Pavilion opened in 2012 as an on-site visitor's center for the structure's 75th anniversary and the 8,981-foot bridge attracts approximately 12 million people annually.

Fisherman's Wharf

This San Francisco tourist hot spot is the perfect place to watch fisherman working on their boats, dine on fresh local seafood and fish, do some unique shopping and observe playful sea lions on nearby rocks. Located on the city's northern waterfront, Fisherman's Wharf grew rapidly in population during the 1800s thanks to the California Gold Rush and drew many Italian fisherman to its shores. Pier 39, Aquarium of the Bay, Cannery Shopping Center, Ripley's Believe It or Not!, Ghirardelli Square and San Francisco Maritime National Historic Park are just some of the many places to visit here.

Lombard Street

Tourists flock to see vehicles drive on San Francisco's most famous street that has a speed limit of just five miles per hour and eight hairpin turns in a one-block portion. While the steep windy roadway is sometimes called "The Crookedest Street in the World, it's not actually. However, it is a sight to see in the City by the Bay. Homes used in the "Real World: San Francisco" and Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" are located on Lombard Street.

Tour Overview:


随后驱车前往由50多个山丘组成的三面环海的旧金山市。参观美国西岸的标志性桥梁,被称为“不可能的大桥”的金门大桥; 游览热闹的渔人码头,更可自费乘坐游船欣赏旧金山海湾;在杜莎夫人蜡像馆看看你喜欢的名人栩栩如生的蜡像创作;39号码头的新景点旧金山探险是以暗袭、淘金、恶魔的幽灵等主题汇集演员,特效,舞台,场景和游乐设施为一体的仿伦敦、柏林地下城的景点;1915年巴拿马政府赠与的世界博览会遗址艺术宫和九曲花街都让您流连忘返。






Quality Inn Marina/Clarion Inn Modesto或同等级酒店



Optional Tours/Activities:

San Fancisco Cruiser (90 minutes) (Optional)Adult: $44
Kid: $32
Child (5-12) under 5yrs free
In-depth San Francisco City Tour (Optional)Adult: $35
Kid: $35
Visit St. Mary's Cathedral, Twin Peaks, City Square. Access Market Avenue, Chinatown,Little Italy, Castro District and Union Square.
  • Day07
  • 旧金山(San Francisco) - 优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park) - 洛杉矶(Los Angeles)

Day 7: 旧金山(San Francisco) - 优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park) - 洛杉矶(Los Angeles)


Yosemite National Park

Yosemite tours and guided activities are a great way to discover the national park. You can find deep valleys, grand meadows, ancient giant sequoias, a vast wilderness area, and much more. This nearly 2,000-square-mile Central California treasure that was established in 1890 contains giant sequoia trees, spectacular waterfalls, rugged mountains, pristine streams and unparalleled nature scenes. Yosemite National Park stretching through a portion of the Sierra Nevada Mountains welcomes more than 3.7 million people per year for activities such as hiking, camping, rock climbing, fishing, horseback riding, picnicking, skiing and snowboarding. Your Yosemite tour can lead you to Yosemite Falls, Bridalveil Fall, Mirror Lake, Half Dome, El Capitan, Mariposa Grove, Tunnel View and Tuolumne Grove. Join a Yosemite tour and let our professional tour guides bring you to see Half Dome, waterfalls and more in this amazing natural place!

Tour Overview:

酒店出发, 远处的内华达山脉绵延不止,正是我们今天的目的地-优胜美地国家公园的所在!巍峨雄伟的花岗岩,气势磅礴的瀑布和宁静的山谷,使优胜美地从任何一个角度看 上去都宛如仙境一般。巨木参天,高山流水,被冰川雕琢得嶙峋不堪的巨岩峭壁以及波光粼粼的湖面,使您恍若置身于世外桃源。世界最大花岗岩柱-酋长岩;北美 洲落差最高的优胜美地瀑布;优胜美地山谷;半圆顶;新娘面纱瀑布精彩会接踵而来!您更可以在原始大森林里漫步,感受香甜新鲜的空气。午餐后穿越部分中加州大平原,这里盛产美国一半以上蔬菜水果和干果,也使得加州成为美 国最大的农业州。于傍晚返回洛杉矶。








* 在冬季, 如遇天气恶劣,为保证您的旅途安全,我们保留临时更换当日行程的权利:将不去优胜美地,改为去蒙特利水族馆




4.拉斯维加斯会展日期入住马戏酒店需加收$80/每房/每晚: 3/7, 3/8, 3/9, 5/27, 7/22, 10/31, 11/1。
5.节假日入住马戏酒店需加收$40/每房: 07/01, 09/02, 11/23, 12/25;12/31加收$100每房 。




*本行程提供“买二送一”优惠: 第三人入住一间房时,享受“买二送一”优惠;










Optional Tours/Activities

Las Vegas Night Tour + Sky Wheel (Optional)Adult: $75
Kid: $60
Child 4-12
Las Vegas Night Tour (Optional)Adult: $35
Kid: $35
According to the weather
West Grand Canyon Air Only Tour (Optional)Adult: $175
Kid: $175
3 yrs+
South Grand Canyon Helicopter (Optional)Adult: $249
Kid: $249
3 yrs +
San Fancisco Cruiser (90 minutes) (Optional)Adult: $44
Kid: $32
Child (5-12) under 5yrs free
In-depth San Francisco City Tour (Optional)Adult: $35
Kid: $35
Visit St. Mary's Cathedral, Twin Peaks, City Square. Access Market Avenue, Chinatown,Little Italy, Castro District and Union Square.
Meeting Points

Transfer Info


Tom Bradley Int'l Terminal(Terminal B) - 左侧7/11便利店(7/11 towards Left)
Terminal 1 - 1号行李领取处旁Hudson News便利店
Terminal 2 - 2号行李领取处
Terminal 3 - A号行李领取处
Terminal 4 - 星巴克咖啡
Terminal 5 - 3号行李领取处
Terminal 6 - 咨询台及ATM机
Terminal 7/8 - 1号行李领取处





Special Notes

1. Customer under 18 years old MUST be accompanied by at least one adult.

2. Please be sure to provide accurate and complete information upon booking. This includes name, gender, valid contact information (preferably a mobile phone), accurate flight information, tour location, etc., This helps to avoid any errors upon the reservation because errors affect travel. Any losses due to inaccurate or invalid information will be at your own cost and the company will not be held responsible. 

3. Various hotels may have different deposit policy passengers need to comply with. No specific bed type or the position of the tour can be guaranteed at each hotel. Usually 2-4 people can stay in each room maximally. Hotel check-in time starts at 15:00.

4. This tour does not accept any City Pass or your own tickets for any of the attractions. Tour attraction admission charges and meal expenses are subject to change at any time without notification. Any purchased ticket cannot be refunded for lower prices.

5. The tour company has the right to make appropriate adjustments to the itinerary under the conditions of facilitating the operation for the tour group. This, however, will not reduce the items that should be included in the itinerary.

6. During the actual trip, the tour guide or driver has the right to appropriately adjust the tour sequence, stay time or assembly time of scenic spots according to the weather, traffic, and other conditions to ensure the smooth progress of the trip.

7. If the scenic spots are temporarily closed or closed on a particular holiday, etc., the tour guide will adjust the appearance according to the actual situation or replace the location with another scenic spot to ensure the richness of the itinerary. The opening hours and capacity limits of certain attractions and national parks will be subject to change from time to time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When the operating hours and capacity restrictions have an impact on the itinerary, it shall be regarded as force majeure. Thank you for your understanding.

8. Children under the age of 8 require a booster seat in order to participate in the tour group. The tour company provides the rental service for $10.00/person/day. Please make a request when booking the itinerary so that we may have the booster seat ready in advance. Please understand that the violations and fines are borne by the guests themselves. There is no need for a booster seat for bus travel on the day of travel, and the fee can be refunded to the guest.

9. Normal health conditions are required to participate and enjoy our full itineraries. Contact us for specific policies or information regarding passengers with disabilities who do need to provide advance notification to make a reservation. The tour company do not guarantee a wheelchair lift-equipped bus and/or seating availability to disabled passengers without prior notification and approval.

10. We may alter these terms and conditions from time to time and post the new version on our agents’ website. It is your responsibility to check the [Terms & Conditions] on their website regularly and prior to making a reservation. Unless specifically stated otherwise herein or required by law, The tour company shall not be liable for any consequential, compensatory, indirect, incidental or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with the performance of its obligations under these terms and conditions.

11. Due to the oil price soar and the cost of vehicle greatly increased, starting April 1, 2022, please be advised that all bus tours will be subject to an additional fuel surcharge of $6 per person per day, which will be paid together with the tour fees when you place the order. 

Terms and Conditions:


* 由于美西行程十分受欢迎,我们替您预留座位。如果您在确认订单后需要取消订单,我们将按照以下条款退还费用。


- 取消整个订单
- 减少参团人数
- 更改行程
- 更改参团日期


取消时间 罚款额度    
出发日前15天或以上取消行程  团费的15%    
出发日前9-14天取消行程  团费的20%    
出发日前6-9天取消行程  团费的60%    
出发日前5天内(包括5天)或参团以后取消行程  团费100%    
所有享受"买二送一"及特价优惠的订单取消一人 $100     
所有享受"买二送一"及特价优惠的订单免费者不参团 $200     



* 如果您在确认订单后需要修改订单,我们将收取$30/次的更改费用。
1) 出发前5天内,将无法对已确认行程内容进行修改,请您知悉。
2) 适用于修改条例的情况:
- 修改参团人姓名等身份信息
- 修改航班信息等行程信息
- 更改自选行程或同等级酒店(在可修改的前提下)




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