【邮轮+陆地游】<诺唯真·天空号>12日迈阿密市区游、哈瓦那、大马镫礁、苏格拉斯品牌折扣城、沼泽公园、西锁岛、罗德岱堡、奥兰主题游乐园13选2【Product Code: 6725】

Your Position:Home > 【邮轮+陆地游】<诺唯真·天空号>12日迈阿密市区游、哈瓦那、大马镫礁、苏格拉斯品牌折扣城、沼泽公园、西锁岛、罗德岱堡、奥兰主题游乐园13选2
From $1,348.00 /person
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游迈阿密沼泽公园、小哈瓦那、海湾市场、南海滩,让您感受地道佛州风情; 参观“之都”西棕榈滩、“游艇之都”罗德岱堡,览人造“威尼斯”,赏豪宅游艇;来到拥有全世界迪士尼乐园的奥兰多,十一大主题乐园、三大主题一日游任你选

Important Notice

4.建议所有证件6个月或者以上的有效期,只需符合以下任一一项(中华人民共和国公民的旅行者拥有B1,B2或B1/B2的10年有效签证的国民必须在EVUS注册,并且在旅行前必须持有签证。 ):
1) 美国护照。
2) 任何国籍护照加美国绿卡。
3) 旅游探亲签证(B1/B2)十年多次往返的有效美签。
4) 学生签证(F-1 Visa):必须携带6个月以上有效期的本国护照以及多次美国入境的有效签证和有效的学生 I-20和I-94。
5) 访问学者签证(J-1 Visa):必须携带本国护照以及多次美国入境的6个月有效签证和有效的邀请函(DS2019)一起出示。
7.从10/1/2016开始,搭乘邮轮的乘客严禁携带Samsung 三星Note7上船。

备注:1) 该套餐仅限预定迈阿密团时一起下单,不可单独预定。2) 系统出票,不可以自选座位区域。

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  • Day01
  • 家园(Home) - 迈阿密市(Miami)(自费夜游) Hotel:Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami Airport/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines 或同级

Day 1: 家园(Home) - 迈阿密市(Miami)(自费夜游)



This popular South Florida vacation destination with a major Latin American influence features clear blue sunny skies, stunning beaches, crystal blue water, fabulous Art Deco architecture and countless activities. Miami was incorporated in 1896 and is sometimes referred to as the "Capital of Latin America." It has a large Cuban population that is most prominent in its Little Havana section. Miami hot spots are Miami Beach, South Beach, Venetian Pool, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Zoo Miami, Jungle Island, Miami Seaquarium, Coconut Grove, Ancient Spanish Monastery and Perez Art Museum Miami.

Miami Beach

There's always plenty to do and see in this beach resort city founded in 1915 with warm sunshine, clear blue skies and aqua water. This chic destination is known for its hot nightlife, glamorous shopping area, Latin American culture, vibrant art venues, world-class dining and sensational beaches. Don't miss the celebrated Art Deco District containing more than 800 architectural gems from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s.

Tour Overview:


 当您来到迈阿密/劳德黛堡的机场或码头时,请保持您的电话在开机状态并可以接听电 话。我们的导游将会在机场/码头出口处等候您的到来。之后,导游会把您带往下榻的 酒店,您可以自行安排余下的时间。早班飞机的客人,可以选择购物。您可以二选一, 前往 Aventura Mall 或者 Dolphin Mall($20/人/单程, 12:00 PM-8:00PM)。Aventura Mall集结了几大高级品牌百货商场,如Nordstrom, Bloomingdale's, Macy's, JC Penney 等,包含了 280 多个著名服饰品牌、餐厅、电影院等; Dolphin Mall 是迈阿密最大名牌 折扣商场。15:00 点前到达 MIA 机场的客人或 16:00 点前到达 FLL 机场的客人将有机会 参加南部风情夜生活体验二选一(自费,两人成团) :

 劳德岱堡新河游船+自助晚宴秀,12 月至次年 8 月,周二至周日晚;9 月至 11 月,周三 至周日晚,6pm-10pm 四小时超值体验,免费接送!(游船晚宴秀无导游陪同上船) 游船晚宴秀介绍:在享有“美国威尼斯”盛誉的水城劳德岱堡,乘坐大型观光游船通过 新河由入海口直入亿万富豪居住区腹地,最后到达在这其中的一片热带小岛,您可以在 这里尽情享受烧烤自助晚餐的同时观看表演秀。你当然还可以在晚餐后游览小岛,与小 动物互动。(备注:dinner cruise 需提前约定,预订好不能取消)

迈阿密南海滩风情夜游 夜游介绍:主要包括漫步时尚的林肯路和夜游南海滩。林肯大道(Lincoln Road)是一 条有趣的步行街,也是迈阿密的著名街道,绿树成排,到处是电影院、商店、酒吧、水 烟店、街头摊贩和热辣的比基尼。位于迈阿密南端的南海滩(South Beach)则是北美最 好最著名的海滩之一,面朝大西洋的海滨大道上聚集了上百家的酒吧、餐馆、夜总会、 豪华酒店以及各式精品店。这里丰富的夜生活吸引无数 Party 党前来聚会,是迈阿密当 之无愧的“派对海滩”。夜风吹拂椰树林,我们将带您一览南海滩夜晚风情。


Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami Airport/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines 或同级


  • Day02
  • 迈阿密码头 Hotel:邮轮上(提供24小时自助餐),或者同等级酒店

Day 2: 迈阿密码头



This popular South Florida vacation destination with a major Latin American influence features clear blue sunny skies, stunning beaches, crystal blue water, fabulous Art Deco architecture and countless activities. Miami was incorporated in 1896 and is sometimes referred to as the "Capital of Latin America." It has a large Cuban population that is most prominent in its Little Havana section. Miami hot spots are Miami Beach, South Beach, Venetian Pool, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Zoo Miami, Jungle Island, Miami Seaquarium, Coconut Grove, Ancient Spanish Monastery and Perez Art Museum Miami.

Tour Overview:







  • Day03
  • 哈瓦那,古巴 Hotel:邮轮上(提供24小时自助餐),或者同等级酒店

Day 3: 哈瓦那,古巴



The capital of Cuba and centerpiece to any Cuba tour, Havana is the economical, cultural, and historic center to this island nation. Founded by the Spanish in the 16th century, it became a playground for the rich in the 1930’s before Fidel Castro’s revolution in the 1950’s. Popular with tourists once again, Havana preserves traces from all these past eras. Walk along the Malecon, which runs along Havana’s main streets and offers amazing views of the Bay or visit the Old Havana, which contains many beautifully restored mansions that house many of the city's cultural and political centers. Not short on museums, Havana offers visitors a look into its past with a tour of the Museum of the Revolution and the art connoisseur a chance to view its artistic heritage at the Museo Nacional de Belle Artes - or, learn about one of Cuba's most famous products at the Havana Club Rum Museum.

Tour Overview:

哈瓦那是古巴风情的代表,这里有着优美的风景,令人着迷的文化,美丽动人的诗歌, 万种风情总是迷人。漫步在 Malecón,典型的古巴风格,迷失在哈瓦那老城区的巴洛克 式正面和殖民地鹅卵石街道之间。参观宏伟的古巴国会,探索国家艺术馆的世界级艺术 收藏品,展示了从殖民时期的绘画到古巴著名的先锋时代的无数杰作。哈瓦那位于古巴 岛的西北海岸,是古巴共和国的首都,也是古巴的政治、经济、文化和旅游中心,人口 超过 220 万。这座海港城市极具特色和韵味,古典与现代,新大陆与旧大陆,白色与黑 色,阳春白雪与下里巴人……一切充满碰撞的元素,在这里都有迹可循,所有看似独立 的个体,一起都在这个阳光明媚、生机勃勃的热带港口和谐的统一起来。




  • Day04
  • 哈瓦那,古巴 Hotel:邮轮上(提供24小时自助餐),或者同等级酒店

Day 4: 哈瓦那,古巴



The capital of Cuba and centerpiece to any Cuba tour, Havana is the economical, cultural, and historic center to this island nation. Founded by the Spanish in the 16th century, it became a playground for the rich in the 1930’s before Fidel Castro’s revolution in the 1950’s. Popular with tourists once again, Havana preserves traces from all these past eras. Walk along the Malecon, which runs along Havana’s main streets and offers amazing views of the Bay or visit the Old Havana, which contains many beautifully restored mansions that house many of the city's cultural and political centers. Not short on museums, Havana offers visitors a look into its past with a tour of the Museum of the Revolution and the art connoisseur a chance to view its artistic heritage at the Museo Nacional de Belle Artes - or, learn about one of Cuba's most famous products at the Havana Club Rum Museum.

Tour Overview:

我们将继续在哈瓦那度过愉快的时间。您可以跟当地人进行一场有趣的多米诺骨牌竞赛, 可以去著名作家海明威最钟爱的地方小酌一杯,或者去看一场现场爵士乐的表演,在这 独特的地方体验不拘一格的时刻。哈瓦那地处热带,气候温和,四季宜人,有“加勒比 海的明珠”之称,古老教堂、城堡、广场、博物馆、纪念碑、公园、图书馆等众多,为 著名的旅游胜地。哈瓦那分为旧城和新城两部分,旧城是建筑艺术的宝库,拥有各个时 期不同风格的建筑,至今还留有许多西班牙式的古老建筑,被列为世界文化遗产。新城 是拉丁美洲著名的现代化城之一,临加勒比海,街道宽阔整齐,高楼鳞次栉比,拥有豪 华的宾馆、饭店、公寓、政府大厦等,花坛草坪点缀其间,充满现代化气息和繁荣景象。




  • Day05
  • 巴哈马的私人小岛 - 大马镫礁(Great Stirrup Cay) Hotel:邮轮上(提供24小时自助餐),或者同等级酒店

Day 5: 巴哈马的私人小岛 - 大马镫礁(Great Stirrup Cay)


Tour Overview:





  • Day06
  • 迈阿密(Miami) - 苏格拉斯品牌折扣城(Sawgrass Mills Outlet Shopping Mall ) Hotel:Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami Airport/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines 或同级

Day 6: 迈阿密(Miami) - 苏格拉斯品牌折扣城(Sawgrass Mills Outlet Shopping Mall )



This popular South Florida vacation destination with a major Latin American influence features clear blue sunny skies, stunning beaches, crystal blue water, fabulous Art Deco architecture and countless activities. Miami was incorporated in 1896 and is sometimes referred to as the "Capital of Latin America." It has a large Cuban population that is most prominent in its Little Havana section. Miami hot spots are Miami Beach, South Beach, Venetian Pool, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Zoo Miami, Jungle Island, Miami Seaquarium, Coconut Grove, Ancient Spanish Monastery and Perez Art Museum Miami.

Sawgrass Mills Mall

The 1.4 million-square-foot shopping center has more than 240 retailers and is separated into the three Miami-related districts of a village square of lively entertainment and eateries called Ramblas (Walk), a South Beach-like location with casual clothing stores and unique home decor named Playa (Beach), and an area of fashion-forward boutiques and stores called Moda (Style). Dolphin Mall also has a Hacienda-style food court and many restaurants.

Tour Overview:



Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami Airport/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines 或同级


  • Day07
  • 沼泽公园(Everglade Park) - 迈阿密市区观光(Miami City Tour) Hotel:Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami Airport/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines 或同级

Day 7: 沼泽公园(Everglade Park) - 迈阿密市区观光(Miami City Tour)


Everglades National Park

The 1.5 million-acre Everglades National Park is a one-of-a-kind destination that is the biggest subtropical wilderness in the United States. Everglades National Park was created in 1947 to preserve the terrain, animals and plants of this Florida landmark because to many people were trying to convert wetlands into land harming the ecosystem. The park is home to alligators, American crocodiles, manatees, otters, snakes, birds, fish and the Florida panther. It has five habitats of Mangrove, Pineland, Hammock, Sawgrass and Slough. The attraction is a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site, Wetland of International Importance and International Biosphere Reserve.


This popular South Florida vacation destination with a major Latin American influence features clear blue sunny skies, stunning beaches, crystal blue water, fabulous Art Deco architecture and countless activities. Miami was incorporated in 1896 and is sometimes referred to as the "Capital of Latin America." It has a large Cuban population that is most prominent in its Little Havana section. Miami hot spots are Miami Beach, South Beach, Venetian Pool, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Zoo Miami, Jungle Island, Miami Seaquarium, Coconut Grove, Ancient Spanish Monastery and Perez Art Museum Miami.

Tour Overview:





Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami Airport/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines 或同级


  • Day08
  • 西礁岛(West Key) Hotel:Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami Airport/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines 或同级

Day 8: 西礁岛(West Key)


Key West

This laid-back city on the Florida Keys island of the same name is the southernmost city in the continental United States and about 90 miles from Cuba. Key West was visited by Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon in 1521 and remained a Spanish territory until U.S. Navy Commander Matthew C. Perry claimed it for the United States in 1822. Famous writers Ernest Hemingway and Tennessee Williams lived in Key West during the mid-1900s. Several U.S. presidents including Harry Truman, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy visited the city. Notable sites in the city and on the island are Mallory Square, Duval Street, The Ernest Hemingway House and Museum, Southernmost Point monument and The Key West Museum of Art & History.

Tour Overview:




Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami Airport/ Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines 或同级


  • Day09
  • 罗德岱堡(Fort Lauderdale) -奥兰多 Hotel:Comfort Inn Maingate Hotel 或同级酒店(提供免费早餐)

Day 9: 罗德岱堡(Fort Lauderdale) -奥兰多


Fort Lauderdale

Nicknamed "The Venice of America," the tropical city situated on Florida's southeast coast is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, The New River and many inland canals. Fort Lauderdale was incorporated in 1911 and received its name because of the many forts constructed there in 1838 during the Second Seminole War when Major William Lauderdale commanded the Tennessee Volunteers. Popular city sites are Fort Lauderdale Beach, the International Swimming Hall of Fame, Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Museum of Art, Museum of Science and Discovery, Old Fort Lauderdale Village, Las Olas Boulevard and Museum and Stranaham House.


Referred to as "The Theme Park Capital of the World," the central Florida city is visited by more than 57 million people per year. Orlando was established in 1885 and its economy grew rapidly after the 1971 opening of Walt Disney World Resort. Other theme parks followed including Universal Orlando Resort, SeaWorld, City Walk, Wet 'n Wild Water Park, Aquatica, LEGOLAND Florida, Epcot Center and The Holy Land Experience.

Tour Overview:

上午前往迈阿密以北,负有盛名的“世界游艇之都”——罗德岱堡,您将游览“美国的 威尼斯”,欣赏两岸的豪宅和河道上林立的桅樯。河道纵横,密如蛛网,同时您还可以 漫步在美国十大海滩之一的劳德岱堡海滩。下午您在迈阿密段的行程将画上圆满的句号, 随后客人将会乘坐美国当地的公共长途巴士前往奥兰多。奥兰多地区导游接到您之后, 将为您量身制定安排行程,并详细介绍各大主题乐园特色及攻略。此时可向导游报名参 加各大园区,特色一日游;亦可向导游预定蓝人乐团和太阳马戏团门票。同时,您也可 向导游报名,可参加当晚的自费夜游。


Comfort Inn Maingate Hotel 或同级酒店(提供免费早餐)


  • Day10
  • 奥兰多主题园区自由行十三大乐园或者“两大特色一日游”(任选其一,不含门票) Hotel:Comfort Inn Maingate Hotel 或同级酒店 (提供免费早餐)

Day 10: 奥兰多主题园区自由行十三大乐园或者“两大特色一日游”(任选其一,不含门票)



Referred to as "The Theme Park Capital of the World," the central Florida city is visited by more than 57 million people per year. Orlando was established in 1885 and its economy grew rapidly after the 1971 opening of Walt Disney World Resort. Other theme parks followed including Universal Orlando Resort, SeaWorld, City Walk, Wet 'n Wild Water Park, Aquatica, LEGOLAND Florida, Epcot Center and The Holy Land Experience.

Walt Disney World Resort

The Walt Disney World Resort, also called Walt Disney World and Disney World, is an entertainment complex in Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista, Florida, in the United States, near the cities Orlando and Kissimmee. Opened on October 1, 1971, the resort is owned and operated by Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, a division of The Walt Disney Company. It was first operated by Walt Disney World Company. The property, which covers nearly 25,000 acres (39 sq mi; 101 km2), only half of which has been used, comprises four theme parks (consisting of Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and Disney's Hollywood Studios), two water parks, 27 themed resort hotels, nine non-Disney hotels, several golf courses, a camping resort, and other entertainment venues, including the outdoor shopping center Disney Springs.

Universal Orlando Resort

The Universal Orlando Resort, commonly known as Universal Orlando, formerly Universal Studios Escape, is an American theme park and entertainment resort complex based in Orlando, Florida. The resort is operated by Universal Parks & Resorts. It is wholly owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast. Universal Orlando is the second-largest resort in Greater Orlando, after the Walt Disney World resort, covering 541 acres of land.

Universal Orlando consists of two theme parks (Universal Studios Florida and Universal's Islands of Adventure), a water park (Volcano Bay), a night-time entertainment complex (Universal CityWalk Orlando), and six Loews Hotels (Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, Loews Royal Pacific Resort, Cabana Bay Beach Resort, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort, and Universal’s Aventura Hotel). All of the hotel resorts offer Early Park Admission into The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Universal’s Volcano Bay. Additionally, the Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel and Loews Royal Pacific Resort offer free unlimited Universal Express Pass for use at participating rides at Universal Studios Florida and Universal’s Islands of Adventure. This benefit is not valid at Volcano Bay, Halloween Horror Nig

Tour Overview:



* 迪士尼未来世界 
* 迪士尼魔术王国 
* 迪士尼野生动物王国 
* 环球影城 
* 冒险岛乐园 
* 奥兰多海洋世界 
* 迪士尼台风湖水上乐园(冬季限时开放,12月关闭) 
* 迪士尼暴风雪海滩水上乐园(冬季限时开放,1月4日至3月14日关闭) 
* 海洋世界水上乐园 
* 好来坞影城 
* 乐高水上乐园 
* 乐高主题乐园 (季节限定)

* 墨西哥湾一日游(仅限周六和周日) 
* 肯尼迪太空海滩一日游(天天出发)


Comfort Inn Maingate Hotel 或同级酒店 (提供免费早餐)


  • Day11
  • 奥兰多主题园区自由行十三大乐园或者“两大特色一日游”(任选其一,不含门票) Hotel:Comfort Inn Maingate Hotel 或同级酒店 (提供免费早餐)

Day 11: 奥兰多主题园区自由行十三大乐园或者“两大特色一日游”(任选其一,不含门票)



Referred to as "The Theme Park Capital of the World," the central Florida city is visited by more than 57 million people per year. Orlando was established in 1885 and its economy grew rapidly after the 1971 opening of Walt Disney World Resort. Other theme parks followed including Universal Orlando Resort, SeaWorld, City Walk, Wet 'n Wild Water Park, Aquatica, LEGOLAND Florida, Epcot Center and The Holy Land Experience.

Walt Disney World Resort

The Walt Disney World Resort, also called Walt Disney World and Disney World, is an entertainment complex in Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista, Florida, in the United States, near the cities Orlando and Kissimmee. Opened on October 1, 1971, the resort is owned and operated by Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, a division of The Walt Disney Company. It was first operated by Walt Disney World Company. The property, which covers nearly 25,000 acres (39 sq mi; 101 km2), only half of which has been used, comprises four theme parks (consisting of Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and Disney's Hollywood Studios), two water parks, 27 themed resort hotels, nine non-Disney hotels, several golf courses, a camping resort, and other entertainment venues, including the outdoor shopping center Disney Springs.

Universal Orlando Resort

The Universal Orlando Resort, commonly known as Universal Orlando, formerly Universal Studios Escape, is an American theme park and entertainment resort complex based in Orlando, Florida. The resort is operated by Universal Parks & Resorts. It is wholly owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast. Universal Orlando is the second-largest resort in Greater Orlando, after the Walt Disney World resort, covering 541 acres of land.

Universal Orlando consists of two theme parks (Universal Studios Florida and Universal's Islands of Adventure), a water park (Volcano Bay), a night-time entertainment complex (Universal CityWalk Orlando), and six Loews Hotels (Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, Loews Royal Pacific Resort, Cabana Bay Beach Resort, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort, and Universal’s Aventura Hotel). All of the hotel resorts offer Early Park Admission into The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Universal’s Volcano Bay. Additionally, the Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel and Loews Royal Pacific Resort offer free unlimited Universal Express Pass for use at participating rides at Universal Studios Florida and Universal’s Islands of Adventure. This benefit is not valid at Volcano Bay, Halloween Horror Nig

Tour Overview:



* 迪士尼未来世界 
* 迪士尼魔术王国 
* 迪士尼野生动物王国 
* 环球影城 
* 冒险岛乐园 
* 奥兰多海洋世界 
* 迪士尼台风湖水上乐园(冬季限时开放,12月关闭) 
* 迪士尼暴风雪海滩水上乐园(冬季限时开放,1月4日至3月14日关闭) 
* 海洋世界水上乐园 
* 好来坞影城 
* 乐高水上乐园 
* 乐高主题乐园 (季节限定)

* 墨西哥湾一日游(仅限周六和周日) 
* 肯尼迪太空海滩一日游(天天出发)


Comfort Inn Maingate Hotel 或同级酒店 (提供免费早餐)


  • Day12
  • 奥兰多(Orlando) - 家园(Home)

Day 12: 奥兰多(Orlando) - 家园(Home)



Referred to as "The Theme Park Capital of the World," the central Florida city is visited by more than 57 million people per year. Orlando was established in 1885 and its economy grew rapidly after the 1971 opening of Walt Disney World Resort. Other theme parks followed including Universal Orlando Resort, SeaWorld, City Walk, Wet 'n Wild Water Park, Aquatica, LEGOLAND Florida, Epcot Center and The Holy Land Experience.

Tour Overview:













空调巴士或者中巴接送,每个预定单提供一次迈阿密机场或罗德岱堡机场免费接机(免费时段是: 10:00am-10:00pm)和奥兰多机场送机服务


景点门票费,邮轮小费,服务费(迈阿密接机$5/人/天;如坐酒店免费穿梭巴士前往 十二大园区无需此费,如酒店没有免费穿梭巴士前往十二大园区,需本公司接送$5/人;一日游 和迈阿密游$10/人/天),私人性质费用(如邮轮网络,酒水,洗衣费等)

Special Notes

4.为保证团队的旅行顺畅,在各大地标景点,导游将会安排团体通道,谢绝客人使用自行购买的景点门票、City Pass等类似票证参团,感谢您的合作与谅解。


1.请您在自身身体允许的情况下参团,如果因为自身原因导致一些突发情况、疾病的产生或复发等状况,欣美途、地接社及司机、导游等均不负任何责任,请您悉知。 未满18周岁须有监护人陪同。




Terms and Conditions:



天数 豪华团 经济团
3天 155  
4天 240  
5天 265 265
6天 315 298
7天 355 315
8天 405  
9天 485  
10天 525  

1. 出团前7天对行程中上车地点,出团日期,参团人数(房间数减少,参考取消条例),航班信息等进行更改,将收取每次$30.00的更改费用。
2. 出团前7天以内无法对确认行程内容进行更改。




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