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★ 独特:入内参观美国国会山庄,深度了解美国参众两院
★ 深度: 两晚住华盛顿,行程更轻松深度
★ 经典: 探访美国知名的常春藤盟校——普林斯顿大学
★ 充实:接机当天送法拉盛自由行,或泽西花园商场自由购物
★ 优惠:9:00到达JFK&LGA机场的客人即可$1预定价值$25的曼哈顿早游

Important Notice


(3)如行程中涉及参观美东名校,正常行程安排哈佛大学(入内参观)大约60分钟,麻省理工途径,不下车参观   ,耶鲁大学入内参观大约60分钟,如因耶鲁大学考试期间,只能安排导游带领参观耶鲁校园公开区域.请知悉!

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  • Day01
  • 原居地(Home) - 纽约市(New York) Hotel:Crowne(或Ramada) Plaza /Sheraton /Hilton/ Courtyard by Marriott 或 同等条件住宿

Day 1: 原居地(Home) - 纽约市(New York)


New York City

The most populated city in the United States has many nicknames including "The Big Apple," "The City that Never Sleeps," and "The City So Nice, They Named it Twice." The culturally diverse New York City, which was settled in 1624, is made up of the five boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Staten Island. Tourism is a major part of the city's economy and popular sites include The Statue of Liberty, Times Square, The Empire State Building, Central Park, Ellis Island, Chinatown, Rockefeller Center, The September 11 Memorial & Museum and The Broadway Theatre District.

Tour Overview:

抵达纽约,国内航班在该航班行李提取处等候 (除JFK七号航站楼旅客在出口处等待外),国际航班在乘客出口处等候。
1. 下午17:00前抵达JFK和LGA的贵宾,将会先被接到车水马龙的法拉盛,这里是纽约第四大商业区,也是三十多年来在美华人奋力打造出的文化中心。您可以亲眼目睹美国移民政策的成就,体验各方地道美食,京沪川粤江浙云贵湘鲁东北等风味应有尽有,超市和商店里更是琳琅满目。我们在其中心地带设立了贵宾接待中心,提供免费行李寄存和WIFI。我们将根据当日游客数量和航班抵达的时间,适时安排大家回酒店休息。
2. 中午12:00PM前抵达EWR机场的客人,可享受免费前往Jersey Gardens Outlet Mall购物。下午17:00点后抵达JFK或LGA的客人以及中午12点后抵达EWR的客人,将直接送往酒店。
3. 如果您第一日无需机场接机,可选择如下参团地点,请在报名时备注:
- 9:30-17:00抵达法拉盛:136-51 37th Avenue, 1st Floor, Unit C3, Flushing, NY 11354。
- 9:30-18:00抵达曼哈顿中国城: 87 Bowery, Ste 201,New York, NY 10002。


  • 限于JFK&LGA机场在9:00AM前拿到行李见到导游客人。就可以选择参加纽约早游。
  • 提前预定可享促销价格,售价(保证有位):$1/人。(如若因航班延误或个人原因,未能在9:00AM前见到导游,将退还促销价$1美金)接机当日抵达后报名售价(座位有限):成人$25/人;12岁以下儿童$15/人。
  • 行程安排: 布鲁克林DUMBO区(20分钟)→麦迪逊广场&熨斗大厦(外观,20分钟)→华盛顿广场&纽约大学(15分钟)





  • 无论您抵达哪个机场,只要在下午16:30 前拿到行李见到导游,就可以选择参加物超所值的曼哈顿夜游。
  • 成人售价$25/人,12岁以下小童$15/人。
  • 行程安排: 前往洛克菲勒中心(15分钟)→ 时代广场(30分钟)→ 新泽西观景点(15分钟)





Crowne(或Ramada) Plaza /Sheraton /Hilton/ Courtyard by Marriott 或 同等条件住宿


  • Day02
  • 纽约市区游(New York) Hotel:Crowne Plaza /Shippen Place Hotel /Holiday Inn 或 同等条件住宿

Day 2: 纽约市区游(New York)


One World Trade Center

Also known as Freedom Tower, this 1,776-foot tall skyscraper is the tallest building in the United States and the main structure for the new World Trade Center complex. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks destroyed the original World Trade Center Twin Towers located south of the new site, a plan to rebuild in memoriam of the tragedy was developed and construction began in 2006 with steel from the original building placed in the base. The 104-story One World Trade Center designed by David M. Childs has office space, retail stores, restaurants and an observation deck. A bronze monument dedicated to the response of military special forces members after September 11 stands in front of the building.

Statue of Liberty

This 305-foot tall iconic emblem of the United States and freedom was designed by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and has welcomed immigrants to "The Land of Opportunity" for centuries on its perch on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The Statue of Liberty was given to the United States as a gift from France in 1896 because the two countries were allies during the American Revolution. Lady Liberty depicts the Roman Goddess of Freedom Libertas and the shackles on her feet represent oppression. The Neoclassical statue had to be separated into 350 pieces to be shipped to the United States. Don't forget to read the unforgettable Emma Lazarus poem engraved on the U.S. National Historic Landmark statue's base.

Metropolitan Museum Of Art

The largest museum in the United States and one of the biggest in the world has more than two million art works ranging from prehistoric times to the present. The Metropolitan Museum of Art opened in 1870 and its 2 million-square-foot building is located in New York City's Central Park. Its vast collection includes approximately 15,000 American works, 2,500 European paintings, 36,000 Egyptian pieces, 12,000 Islamic objects and 35,000 costumes. A 64,500-square-foot wing is dedicated to Asian art. The museum is visited by approximately 4.7 million people per year.

Tour Overview:

首先我们将会来到世界金融区 - 华尔街 。途经纽约三一教堂,与华尔街铜牛拍照留念。
乘坐自由女神观光游船,自由女神高举火炬,象征着美国人民争取自由的崇高理想和对美好生活的向往与追求。与自由女神合影,同时欣赏哈德逊河两岸的风光。我们也会来到时代广场,灯红酒绿、纸醉金迷,体验 “世界的十字路口”的喧嚣与繁华。参观杜莎夫人蜡像馆,与总统奥巴马等名人合影。





Crowne Plaza /Shippen Place Hotel /Holiday Inn 或 同等条件住宿


  • Day03
  • 普林斯顿大学( Princeton University) - 费城(Philadelphia) - 华盛顿(Washington) Hotel:Sheraton/Hilton /Radisson/Wyndham/Shippen Place Hotel/ BW Premier Harrisburg/Four Points/Crowne Plaza/ Courtyard/Metro Points/ Tremont Plaza/Holiday Inn 或同级

Day 3: 普林斯顿大学( Princeton University) - 费城(Philadelphia) - 华盛顿(Washington)


Princeton University

The Ivy League higher learning institution located in Princeton, New Jersey and founded in 1746 is the fourth oldest college in the United States. Princeton University's 500-acre campus contains 180 buildings and 98 percent of its undergraduate students live there. It has ties with 35 Nobel Prize recipients, 17 National Medal of Science winners and three National Humanities Medal awardees. Famous Princeton graduates include United States presidents James Madison and Woodrow Wilson; U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama; U.S. Supreme Court justices Samuel Alito, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor; writer F. Scott Fitzgerald; actors Jimmy Stewart and Brooke Shields; auto industry titan Lee Iacocca and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. Famous physicist Albert Einstein gave frequent lectures at Princeton University.

Washington, DC

Situated along the Potomac River between the states of Maryland and Virginia, Washington, DC, is chock full of iconic national landmarks and memorials, including the White House, Capitol Hill, Washington Monument, and Lincoln Memorial. It is also a place to pay our respects - at the Korean War Veterans Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial - to all those who served the nation proudly. And don't forget the preponderance of museums geared toward practically every taste and age group, two of the most popular being the National Air and Space Museum and Ford's Theatre.

White House

This famous Washington, D.C. mansion is the official residence of the United States president and its location was chosen by George Washington back in 1791. The White House was designed by architect James Hoban and contains 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, eight staircases and three elevators. Before U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt officially named it the White House in 1901, it was called "The President's House," "The President's Palace" and "Executive Mansion." Various presidents have had the structure renovated and restored throughout the decades. The White House displays many fine pieces of art including paintings, sculptures and furnishings.

Lincoln Memorial

The prominent Washington, D.C. monument honoring United States President Abraham Lincoln is situated on the National Mall and includes a 2,029-foot reflecting pool. Lincoln Memorial designed by architect Henry Bacon, sculptor Daniel Chester French and artist Jules Guerin in Beaux-Arts style was dedicated in 1922. It features a large sculpture of the 16th president encased in an ancient Greek style temple with Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" and "Second Inaugural Address" engraved in the memorial. The landmark receives more than six million visitors per year and is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. The Lincoln Memorial is pictured on both the back of the U.S. five-dollar bill and penny.

Tour Overview:

早晨,前往普林斯顿。普林斯顿大学在1756年迁至普林斯顿,是著名的私立研究型大学,八所常春藤盟校之一,也被誉为美东最美校园之一。我们将在普林斯顿导游的带领下进行校园参观,感受世界顶级学府之一的学术风情,体验美国的教育文化。之后,我们会前往美国国家的诞生地 - 费城。漫步于独立公园,与旧国会大厦独立宫(100元纸币背面)、自由钟合影留念。1776年7月4日,在独立宫内签署了美国历史上最重要的文献—《独立宣言》:“人生而平等。”“人人拥有生命、自由和追求幸福的权利。接下来前往费城自由观景台,站在美国历史摇篮之巅,远眺费城的市政厅,宾州创建者威廉潘恩的凋像屹立在顶端,彷佛诉说着贵格教建市的终极理想--兄弟有爱之城。下午前往美国首都--华盛顿DC,首先来到全世界唯一一个有机会“近距离接触”美国44届总统的地方—总统蜡像馆。在这里,我们有机会对白宫内部结构有更深入的了解,尤其与奥巴马总统椭圆形办公桌前留影最为著名。我们将跟随时空的步伐,穿越历史,与那些伟大的名字一起并肩而立。接下来前往美国的权力中心—白宫(外观、20元纸币背面)。美国开国元勋乔治华盛顿对美国总统官邸的建造曾发表过他的观点:它决不能是一座宫殿,决不能豪华,因为在这里工作的主人是国家仆人。于是他提出了建造总统府的三点要求:宽敞、坚固、典雅。同时,我们也将与美国财政部合影留念(外观、10元纸币背面)。参观林肯纪念堂(5元纸币背面)、韩战纪念广场、越战纪念墙。为缅怀伟大的林肯总统为美国人权做出的努力,著名演说“我有一个梦想”便是马丁路德金在林肯纪念堂前发出的时代的最强音。




Sheraton/Hilton /Radisson/Wyndham/Shippen Place Hotel/ BW Premier Harrisburg/Four Points/Crowne Plaza/ Courtyard/Metro Points/ Tremont Plaza/Holiday Inn 或同级


  • Day04
  • 华盛顿一日游(全天)(Washington.DC) Hotel:Hilton Washington Dulles Airport/Holiday Inn Dulles Airport VA/Wyndham Garden Manassas/Holiday Inn Dulles Airport/ Metro Points Hotel/Sheraton DC North或同级

Day 4: 华盛顿一日游(全天)(Washington.DC)


United States Capitol

This Neo-classical domed United States government structure located atop Capitol Hill is a work of art on the inside as well as the out featuring many important American art pieces on display. Construction began on the United States Capitol in 1793 and its design can be attributed to many architects throughout the years. The landmark is where federal legislatures meet as well as a tourist attraction. A nearly 580,000-square-foot Visitor's Center was recently added to the building's underground. Points of interest are Capitol Rotunda, National Statuary Hall, Capitol Crypt, Exhibition Hall, U.S. Senate Chambers and U.S. House of Representatives Chambers.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The emotionally stirring landmark in the United States capital city is made up of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, Three Soldiers Statue and Vietnam Women's Memorial and attracts more than three million visitors per year. Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated to the U.S. military service men and women who fought during the Vietnam War and its Memorial Wall that was designed by architect Maya Lin contains the names of more than 58,000 who gave their lives during the conflict. It was dedicated in 1982 and thousands of Vietnam veterans marched to it during the ceremony. Catalogs at the memorial's entrance can assist visitors in finding a name on the wall.

White House

This famous Washington, D.C. mansion is the official residence of the United States president and its location was chosen by George Washington back in 1791. The White House was designed by architect James Hoban and contains 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, eight staircases and three elevators. Before U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt officially named it the White House in 1901, it was called "The President's House," "The President's Palace" and "Executive Mansion." Various presidents have had the structure renovated and restored throughout the decades. The White House displays many fine pieces of art including paintings, sculptures and furnishings.

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

With the largest collection of space and aircraft relics in the world, this cultural institution is visited by more than eight million people per year. Its 161,145-square-foot Washington, D.C. location has more than 21 galleries with exhibits on topics such as space travel, astronomy and world wars. Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum began as the National Air Museum in 1946 in the United States capital, however, the Smithsonian started preserving important flight artifacts in Washington, D.C. long before that. Some of the museum's treasured items include Charles Lindbergh's 1927 "Spirit of St. Louis" aircraft, 1903 Wright Flyer, 1924 Douglas World Cruiser Chicago, Mercury Friendship 7, Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia and the spacesuits of many famous astronauts.

Tour Overview:





Hilton Washington Dulles Airport/Holiday Inn Dulles Airport VA/Wyndham Garden Manassas/Holiday Inn Dulles Airport/ Metro Points Hotel/Sheraton DC North或同级


  • Day05
  • 华盛顿特区(Washington.DC) - 家园(Home)

Day 5: 华盛顿特区(Washington.DC) - 家园(Home)


Tour Overview:

上午直接从酒店出发,可选择市区离团。如需要送机,请订华盛顿(IAD) 12:00PM 后航班。其他机场需客人自费。















入住高级豪华酒店, 所有酒店提供双人床, 标准间
精心安排旅馆酒店及大型巴士, 让您的旅程舒适又安全



Meeting Points

Transfer Info


* 免费接机时间:08:30am-00:00(指航班抵达时间)
* 免费接机机场:纽约三大机场(JFK/LGA/EWR)
* 汇合地址:
- 美国国内航班:下机→前往航班行李转盘→见到导游→导游安排您与其他团员共乘一班车辆离开机场;请您在在该航班行李提取处等候导游(JFK七号航站楼旅客在出口处等待)。
- 国际航班:下机→护照检查→提取行李→海关检查→见到导游→导游安排您与其他团员共乘一班车辆离开机场;请您在乘客出口处等候导游,即可与其他团员共乘下一班车辆离开机场。
* 如您在08:30-23:00外(指航班抵达时间)拿到行李,我们可以安排付费接机。如您需要,请向我们询价。

* 未预定指定酒店:
- 免费接机机场:JFK或LGA机场
- 免费接机时间:8:30-00:00(指航班抵达时间)
我们将您送往:中国城(87 Bowery, New York, NY 10002)或法拉盛136-51 37th Avenue, 1st Floor, Unit C3, Flushing, NY 11354。
* 预定了法拉盛(FLU)、纽约肯尼迪机场(JFK)、纽约拉瓜迪亚机场(LGA)、新泽西(NJ)地区地接指定酒店
- 免费接机机场:纽约三大机场(JFK/LGA/EWR)
- 免费接机时间:8:30-00:00(指航班抵达时间)我们将您送往酒店。

* 请您在订单页面备注如下参团地点,并在出团前联系导游再次确认汇合时间:
- 9:30-17:00抵达法拉盛: 136-51 37th Avenue, 1st Floor, Unit C3, Flushing, NY 11354。
- 9:30-18:00抵达中国城: Chinatown (87 Bowery, New York, NY 10013),行程结束后,可同样在中国城下车。

Departure information

免费送机:华盛顿(IAD) 12:00PM 后航班。

自费送机:华盛顿(DCA、BWI) 12:00PM 后航班。

Special Notes

4.为保证团队的旅行顺畅,在各大地标景点,导游将会安排团体通道,谢绝客人使用自行购买的景点门票、City Pass等类似票证参团,感谢您的合作与谅解。


1.请您在自身身体允许的情况下参团,如果因为自身原因导致一些突发情况、疾病的产生或复发等状况,欣美途、地接社及司机、导游等均不负任何责任,请您悉知。 未满18周岁须有监护人陪同。


Terms and Conditions:



天数 豪华团 经济团
3天 155  
4天 240  
5天 265 265
6天 315 298
7天 355 315
8天 405  
9天 485  
10天 525  

1. 出团前7天对行程中上车地点,出团日期,参团人数(房间数减少,参考取消条例),航班信息等进行更改,将收取每次$30.00的更改费用。
2. 出团前7天以内无法对确认行程内容进行更改。




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